A group of people working at an IT office

When it comes to the best IT support services for small business, we know a thing or two. But it can sometimes be tricky for business owners to understand what services they need to keep business operations running smoothly and exactly what they should expect from these services.

Throughout this guide, we’ll examine the 8 best IT support services for small businesses and some key factors you should consider when choosing your IT support provider.

Hopefully, by the end of this guide, you’ll have a much better understanding of what your small business needs from an IT support standpoint.

How To Find The Best Small Business IT Support Service For You

Choosing the best IT support services for a small business can be tough, but the benefits of IT services are well worth it – and we’re here to help!

When it comes to starting your search for an IT support company, the first step is always going to be to assess your business needs and objectives. Some key questions to consider at this stage could include:

  • What are your primary business goals?
  • What technical challenges is your business currently facing?
  • What specific IT systems do you require support with?
  • Which of your day-to-day business processes could be streamlined or improved?

Once you have a good understanding of what your business needs, you can start to narrow down your search for the best IT support services.

From there, it’s important to consider the following factors:

  1. The size and scope of your business: When it comes to IT support, one size definitely does not fit all. The needs of a small business are going to be vastly different from those of a large enterprise, so it’s important to find an IT support company that specialises in working with businesses of your size.
  2. Your business location: Some IT support companies might operate in specific geographic regions. While some may have the ability to support businesses located outside of their region, it’s always best to choose a company that’s local to you. This way, you can be sure that they’re familiar with the local business landscape and any unique challenges that come along with it.
  3. Your budget: IT services can vary widely in terms of support cost, so it’s important to have a clear understanding of your budget before you start your search. Once you know how much you’re willing to spend, you can narrow down your options to companies that fit within your budget. For example, retail IT services might ask for different budgets than education IT services.

Now that we’ve looked at an introduction to choosing your IT support services, let’s take a closer look at some of the core small business IT services that could be useful to you.

The 8 Best IT Support Services For Small Business

  1. Data security & management

IT professionals can help you secure your data and manage it effectively. This includes tasks like backing up data, disaster recovery, setting up security protocols, and managing user access.

Data security and management is a vital cog in the wheel of any small business, and it’s one that should not be taken lightly.The consequences of a data breach can be catastrophic, so it’s important to have robust security protocols in place, especially if your organisation handles vast amounts of sensitive data.

A small business IT support company will help you assess your current data security setup and make recommendations for improvement. They can also provide ongoing support to ensure that your data remains secure.

  1. Helpdesk & managed services

From IT help desk services to managed small business IT support solutions, these professional small business services offer a wide range of benefits.

Helpdesk services provide a single point of contact for all your IT support needs, which can save you a lot of time and hassle. Fully managed IT services, on the other hand, take a proactive approach to IT support, proactively managing and monitoring your systems to prevent issues from arising in the first place.

By enlisting full small business managed IT services, you can free up your in-house team to focus on other core business tasks, safe in the knowledge that your IT systems are being taken care of by experts.

Need more proof? Read Paul Miles’s testimonial about our complete care package and ethos.

  1. Remote working infrastructure

If you’re a remote business, or have remote employees, how is your remote business infrastructure setup? Are you equipped with the right software solutions, cyber security measures and future proof systems? Do you have adequate remote support available to employees?

In the modern business landscape, an increasing number of organisations are embracing remote working. While this can have many benefits, it also brings with it a unique set of challenges, particularly when it comes to setting up a robust and secure IT system.

An IT support company that specialises in remote working can help you assess your current setup and make recommendations for improvements. They can also provide ongoing remote support to ensure that your remote working infrastructure remains secure and effective.

  1. Cloud services & storage

In recent years, cloud computing has become increasingly popular for small businesses. And it’s no wonder why – cloud support services offer a number of benefits, including increased flexibility, scalability and cost-efficiency.

If you’re considering making the switch to a cloud-based infrastructure, or are already using one but need some help with management and maintenance, an IT support company can assist you. 

Not only can they provide advice on which cloud services would be best for your business, they can also help you migrate to the cloud, and even provide ongoing cloud support.

In addition to cloud services, many small businesses are also opting for cloud-based storage solutions. These can be a great way to increase storage capacity without breaking the bank. 

An IT support company can help you assess your storage needs and recommend the best cloud-based storage solution for your business.

  1. Network & server management

The smooth running of any small business depends on a reliable network and robust servers. But with so many different components and technologies involved, managing a small business network can be a daunting task.

Professional IT service provider can take care of all your network and server management needs, from server installation and ensuring that your network is secure and up-to-date to monitoring server performance and providing ongoing support.

This will free up your in-house team to focus on other core tasks, and give you the peace of mind that your network infrastructure is in safe hands.

  1. IT systems upgrade

To minimise support costs and keep up with your changing business needs, we recommend regular system upgrades. 

Upgrading your IT systems on a regular basis will ensure that you always have the latest features and security patches, and that your computer system is able to handle your current and future workloads.

An IT support company can assist you with planning and implementing system upgrades, and can provide ongoing support to ensure that the upgrade process is as smooth as possible. They can also help you update software and applications, and make sure that your systems are compatible with any new hardware you purchase.

  1. IT tech support

To ensure that business operations aren’t impacted by any technical problems, a tech support team is vital. They support companies to resolve issues quickly and efficiently, and can provide advice on how to avoid future problems.

This can be a lifesaver in a situation where you’re experiencing core downtime – without tech support, you could be facing extended periods of lost productivity.

An external IT support company can provide expert tech support for your business on an ad-hoc or ongoing basis. They can also help you create an IT support plan, which outlines the different types of support available and sets out clear procedures for dealing with technical issues.

  1. IT consultancy

If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to IT support for a small business, an IT consultant can help. They will assess your business needs and objectives, and make recommendations on the best way to achieve them.

This can be an invaluable service if you’re looking to implement new systems or upgrade your existing infrastructure without breaking the bank. An IT consultant can provide expert guidance on which solutions would be best for your business, and can help you avoid any potential pitfalls.

An IT support company can offer a personal service tailored to your business needs. With a wide range of professional services available, these experts can help you plan and implement a new IT system, offer you one-time guidance on an IT project or provide ongoing support and advice.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Your IT Support Company

When choosing an IT support provider for small businesses, you want the best of the best. Here’s what you should take into account when you make your choice.

Are they experienced?

The most important factor to consider when choosing the best IT support company is their level of experience. You want a team that has a wealth of knowledge and experience in supporting small businesses. This will ensure that they’re able to provide you with the best possible service and advice.

To ensure your IT support provider is experienced, you should opt for a company that specialises in small business IT support. That way, you know that they are equipped to handle all of the challenges that come with supporting a small business.

Do they offer a personal service?

A good IT support company will offer a personal service that is tailored to your specific business needs. They will get to know your business inside out, and will often provide a dedicated account manager to offer advice and support whenever you need it.

The best way to gauge whether a company offers a personal service is to book an initial consultation with them. From there, you should be able to find out all you need to know about their services and how they can tailor an IT plan for your needs.

Are they a Microsoft Gold Partner?

Microsoft Gold Certified Partners are the elite group of IT support companies. This certification is only awarded to those who demonstrate a high level of skill and expertise in Microsoft technologies.

Being a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner is a good marker of quality, as it means that the company has been independently verified as being experts in Microsoft products and services. This industry-leading knowledge is essential in providing top-notch IT support.

Looking For Experienced, Microsoft Gold-Certified Small Business IT Support Service?

If you’re looking for experienced, top-quality small business IT support, then look no further than Binary Blue. We offer a wide range of small businesses IT services, including:

And much more! Our team of expert technicians are always on hand to offer advice and support, so you can be confident that your IT systems are in safe hands. Binary Blue is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, which means we have the skills and expertise to help you thrive.

Contact us today to find out more about our small business IT support packages!