a developer at work

There is no doubt that outsourcing technical support can be a great way for businesses to save money and improve their bottom line. By outsourcing to a third-party provider, businesses can reduce the amount of time and resources they need to expend on technical support.

However, there are also several disadvantages to consider before making the decision to outsource, such as the potential loss of jobs and control over certain situations.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at both the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing technical support to help you decide if it’s the right move for your business.

What is outsourced technical support?

Outsourced technical support is a service that provides technical assistance to customers or businesses by telephone or online.

Outsourcing tech support means contracting with another support company to provide technical support services on your behalf. The outsourcing company may be responsible for providing telephone support, online chat support, or even on-site support.

This allows businesses to concentrate on more essential responsibilities, such as developing a new product or service, that would aid their own business growth.

Many businesses outsource their technical support to save money or to focus on other areas of their business as technical support can cover:

  • Answering questions about how to use a piece of software
  • Resolving account management problems
  • Providing instructions
  • Taking care of remote installation and repair
  • Troubleshooting software or hardware

Outsourced technical support can be provided by individual contractors or by call centres that employ multiple customer service representatives. When outsourced, technical support is typically provided by people who are located in another country. This allows companies to save money on labour costs while still providing high-quality customer service.

The advantages of outsourcing technical support

When it comes to outsourced technical support, businesses primarily benefit from things such as:

Cost effective

For businesses large and small, outsourced technical support can be a cost-effective solution for keeping IT systems up and running. By partnering with a reputable outsourcing company, businesses can avoid the high costs of hiring and training in-house staff – saving money that can be fed into other crucial areas of the business.

By working with a reputable outsourced technical support provider, businesses can access a team of highly-skilled professionals without the high costs of hiring and training in-house staff. This can provide businesses with crucial cost savings when it comes to training and salary costs.

In addition, outsourced technical support providers typically have extensive experience managing a variety of IT issues, meaning they are often able to resolve problems with complex IT functions more quickly and efficiently than in-house staff. As a result, outsourced technical support can help businesses to improve their bottom line while also ensuring that their IT systems are running smoothly by taking extraneous tasks away from in-house human resources.

Round the clock coverage

There are many benefits to outsourced technical support, but one of the most important is that it provides around-the-clock coverage. If something goes wrong a businesses IT infrastructure, it can be a major headache for a business. Downtime can cost money in lost productivity, and it can also lead to frustrated customers.

So, in order to stay competitive, businesses need to be able to rely on their technology systems 24/7. However, technology is not always reliable and problems can arise at any time. That’s where outsourced technical support comes in.

With 24/7 support, businesses can rest assured that someone will always be available to help you solve any problems that may arise. This is vital for any business that relies on technology to stay up and running, as it ensures that there is always someone available to help in case of an issue. Outsourced technical support provides peace of mind for businesses and their customers, as they know that someone will be there to help if something goes wrong, which ultimately leads to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Access to latest tools and tech trends

When businesses outsource their technical support, they gain access to the latest tools and trends. This is because outsourced technical support providers are constantly investing in new technologies and training their staff on how to use them. As a result, businesses that outsourced their technical support can stay ahead of the curve and provide their customers with the best possible experience. 

By outsourcing their technical support, businesses can save themselves a lot of time and money as they don’t have to worry about keeping up with the latest technology, or purchasing the latest tools.

Plus, with access to the latest technologies outsourced technical support providers may also be able to offer a wider range of other services such as data backup and recovery, system maintenance, and software updates to customers of the business that it may not be able to offer due to size or budgetary limitations.

The disadvantages of outsourcing technical support

On the other hand, there are a few disadvantages of outsourcing technical support to be aware of, namely:

Maintaining Quality Control Becomes Difficult

One of the biggest challenges with outsourced support is maintaining quality control.

When companies outsource their technical support, they are relying on another company to provide a high level of service to their customers.

However, there can be variability in the quality of service provided, and it can be difficult for the original company to ensure that their customers are always receiving the best possible service.

This can lead to customer satisfaction issues and negative publicity. As a result, companies need to carefully consider whether outsourced technical support is right for them, and if so, how they will ensure that quality control standards are met to ensure the business and the outsourced tech support team can navigate transition periods smoothly.

In most cases, however, outsourced representatives are well-trained and highly skilled.

Outsourced teams may not be experts in your niche

When a business outsources its technical support, it is relying on the expertise of another company to provide quality customer service. This can put the business at a disadvantage for a few reasons.

First, the outsourced team may not be as familiar with the products as the in-house team. They may not know all the features and benefits, or how to troubleshoot common problems. As a result, they may not be able to provide the same level of customer service as the in-house team. 

The company that provides the service may also be located in different time zones, making it difficult to resolve urgent issues in a timely manner.

Plus, because outsourced support staff may not be familiar with your company’s products and the procedures, there may be a longer wait time for solutions which could result in frustrated customers. While outsourced technical support teams can save businesses money, they may not always be the best option when it comes to providing quality customer service.

Outsourcing Creates Less Direct Contact With Customers

Finally, having an outsourced technical support department means that you are separated from your consumers by a buffer. You may receive feedback, but it will pass through a number of people before reaching you, so valuable information might be overlooked.

Having in-house technical assistance may be a good idea if customer feedback and the resulting solution are critical to your product’s improvement.

Read about our 2nd line support from Mike Cooper, IT manager for SWA & the Diploma Group.

How to overcome outsourcing disadvantages and make outsourcing work for your business

There’s no doubt that technical support outsourcing can be a great way for businesses to save money. However, there are also some potential downsides that companies need to be aware of. In particular, technical support outsourcing can lead to longer wait times for customers, as well as a lack of personalisation and customisation. Additionally, technical support outsourcing can also be disruptive to company culture and lead to communication problems.

Despite these potential disadvantages, there are ways to overcome them and make technical support outsourcing work for your business. For example, by carefully selecting a reputable and experienced technical support provider, you can help ensure that your customers will receive the high-quality service they need and deserve. Additionally, by communicating openly and regularly with your technical support team, you can help minimise any potential cultural or communication issues. By following these tips, you can help ensure that technical support outsourcing is a positive experience for your business.

4 Tips for finding a good outsourced technical support provider

When it comes to technical support, there are a lot of factors to consider. Not only do you need to find a provider with the right skills and knowledge, but you also need to make sure that they’re a good fit for your company culture. Here are a few tips to help you find the right provider for your technical support needs:

1. Define your technical support requirements. Before you start looking for a technical support provider, it’s important to have a clear idea of what your specific needs are. This will help you narrow down your search and find providers that are a good fit for your business.

2. Consider your budget. Technical support can be expensive, so it’s important to consider your budget when outsourcing. Make sure to get quotes from multiple providers so that you can compare costs.

3. Evaluate their technical expertise. When you’re looking at technical support providers, be sure to evaluate their technical expertise. This includes their knowledge of your specific industry as well as their technical skills. You should also ask for references so that you can speak to other companies that have used their services.

4. Consider their customer service skills. In addition to technical expertise, it’s also important to consider customer service skills when selecting a technical support provider. After all, they’ll be the ones dealing with your customers on a daily basis. Be sure to ask about their customer service policies and procedures.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that you find a technical support provider that’s a good fit for your business.

3 Questions to ask before signing a contract with an outsourced provider

When it comes to technical support outsourcing, it’s important for businesses to ask the right questions before signing a contract with an outsourced provider.

Technical support is a complex and technical process, so it’s important to make sure that the provider has the experience and expertise to meet the specific needs of the business.

The first question to ask is whether the provider has experience in technical support outsourcing. This can be verified by asking for references from past clients.

The second question is whether the provider has a robust infrastructure in place to support the technical support function. This includes both hardware and software infrastructure, as well as human resources.

Next, the third question regards pricing. It’s important to get quotes from multiple providers so that businesses can compare price and value.

Finally, businesses should ask about the provider’s SLAs (service level agreements). These agreements define the expectations around performance, project management, response time, and uptime.

Asking these questions will help businesses make sure that they’re signing a contract with a technical support outsourcing provider who can meet their specific needs.

How to manage and monitor your outsourced technical support team

When your business outsources its technical support, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of both the in-house and outsourced team. One of the most important aspects of technical support is monitoring and managing the team to ensure that they are Meeting Service Level Agreements (SLAs). There are a few key things to keep in mind when doing this:

First, make sure that you have a clear understanding of the SLAs that have been agreed upon. What are the acceptable response times? What are the acceptable levels of first contact resolution? Make sure you understand what has been agreed upon before proceeding.

Next, establish a regular cadence for checking in with the outsourced technical support team. This can be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on the needs of your business. During these check-ins, review metrics such as response times and first contact resolution rates. If there are any areas where the team is not meeting expectations, work with them to come up with a plan to improve.

Finally, make sure to communicate regularly with the technical support team. They should know what your expectations are and how they are performing against those expectations. In addition, provide feedback on any issues that you have experienced so that they can continue to improve.

Final thoughts

At Binary Blue we can offer experienced technical support that is both cost effective and efficient. We understand the importance of keeping your business running smoothly, which is why our team is available 24/7 to help you with any technical issue you may be experiencing. Outsourcing your technical support can be a great way to improve efficiency within your company and save money in the process. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you take your business to the next level.