two people brainstorming

In today’s digital-first landscape, small businesses must adapt to maintain efficiency and competitive edge. Whether you’re updating your systems, consolidating information, or shifting towards cloud solutions for your data management, data migration is a critical component in optimising business operations.

The default is to “keep everything,” but that’s not always the best course of action. Moving systems generates a natural opportunity to get rid of stuff that isn’t necessary for your company anymore, much as when you move to a new workplace or home.

According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), data migration represents 60% of any large enterprise IT project.

But what exactly is data migration, and how can you ensure its success? Our blog aims to explain all aspects of data migration and why it’s important to get it right.

What is data migration?

Data migration is the process of transferring data between storage systems, formats, or computer systems. For small businesses, this could mean moving client information to a more robust customer relationship management (CRM) system or transitioning from local storage to the cloud. The bottom line is that data migration is essential for businesses looking to improve performance, provide better service, and reduce risks.

Simply put, data migration moves data from one environment to another. However, it involves much more than a simple transfer—this process ensures that data is correctly formatted, clean, and utilisable in its new home. Why undertake such a task? As businesses grow and technology evolves, so too must their IT software to support new applications and platforms that better meet their needs.

Effective data migration must be methodical, thorough, and secure, ensuring that every byte of data serves its purpose in the new environment. As technology continually advances, so does the need for efficient data migration practices. 

By understanding its strategies, projects, and processes, small business owners can better prepare and execute their data migration initiatives, positioning their ventures for success in an increasingly digital world.

Common Data Migration Scenarios – The 5 types of data migration

The most common reasons a business might undertake data migration are:

  • Upgrading outdated systems or software to more current, feature-rich versions.
  • Merging databases after a company merger or acquisition to maintain a single, coherent system.
  • Migrating to cloud-based services to increase scalability, security, and cost-efficiency.

Let’s take a look at the 5 types of data migration in a little more detail:

Database Migration

Database migration can relate to either updating your database software to a newer version or transferring data from one database vendor to another. A transformation process might be necessary since different providers may use different data formats. 

A change in database technology should, for the most part, not have an impact on the application layer, but you should nevertheless confirm via testing.

Storage Migration

Data is moved from one existing repository to another, frequently a new repository, through storage migration. During a storage migration, the data normally stays the same. Usually, the aim is to switch to more recent technology, which handles data faster and at a lower cost when scaling.

Business Process Migration

Databases and apps holding information about clients, goods, and processes are transferred as part of business process migration. Transforming data across different data models frequently calls for transformation. Usually, a business merger, acquisition, or reorganisation sets off these projects.

Application Migration

Moving a software programme, like an ERP or CRM system, from one computing environment to another is referred to as application migration. Converting data from one data model to another usually involves some sort of transformation. 

This procedure is typically initiated when an organisation chooses to switch to a new application provider, moves from on-premises to a public cloud, or switches between clouds.

Cloud Migration

Data, apps, and other business components are moved to a cloud computing environment, like a cloud data warehouse, as part of the cloud migration process. This can happen between a cloud platform and a publicly accessible data centre that is locally housed. 

The “cloud exit” procedure entails moving apps or data from a public cloud back onto an on-site data centre.

Data Migration Strategy, Project Implementation & Process

Planning Your Data Migration Strategy

Before any transfer occurs, a detailed strategy is paramount:

  • Planning and Goal-Setting: Clearly define what you hope to achieve with data migration—be it faster data access, lower costs, or better data analysis capabilities.
  • Data Assessment and Categorisation: Understand what data you have, its sensitivity, and which must be prioritised during migration.
  • Mapping and Transformation: Determine how data from the source aligns with the destination format and any required transformations.

Implementing Data Migration Projects

The implementation phase:

  • Team Formation and Roles: Establish a dedicated data migration team with clear roles and responsibilities.
  • Timeline and Milestones: Create a realistic schedule with key milestones and deadlines.
  • Testing and Validation: Test the migration method for a small set of data first and validate the outcome before proceeding further.

You can see how we did it for Connect’s merge and migration, alongside other processes.

Understanding the Data Migration Process

A typical process involves:

  • Extracting Data: Data is pulled from the source system, often requiring specialised data migration tools.
  • Transforming Data: The extracted data is cleaned and reformatted as needed, ensuring compatibility with the new system’s requirements.
  • Loading Data: Finally, data is moved into the target system, ready for use.

Data Migration Challenges and Best Practices

A smoother migration requires navigating challenges:

  • Data Integrity and Quality: It’s crucial to maintain data accuracy and completeness throughout the migration and data integration process.
  • Minimising Downtime: Plan migration during off-peak hours to minimise disruption to business operations.
  • Security and Compliance: Ensure the migration process adheres to data protection regulations and standards, protecting both business and customer data.

Looking For an Expert Data Migration Plan?

In conclusion, data migration is a multifaceted process that can offer numerous benefits to small businesses. When executed properly, it can streamline processes, enhance data analytics, reduce costs, and pave the way for business growth.

By investing in your data migration project and carefully selecting the appropriate data migration tools, types of data migration can be tailored to suit individual business needs, whether that’s moving to the cloud or simply modernising systems. With the right approach, your business process migration doesn’t have to be daunting, but rather a step towards a more integrated, dynamic, and efficient future.

Binary Blue have been providing IT support to a number of small businesses for over five years, our complete care ethos makes sure all your data migration needs are covered.

We are experts in 1st and 2nd line support, cyber security, IT migrations and IT management.

Contact us today to find out more about our small business IT support packages!

What is Data Migration FAQs

What is the difference between data migration and data transfer?

Transferring data sets from one source to a target system is as easy as that. However, the process of migrating data is far more intricate. It calls for you to safely extract the data from the source system—such as data warehouses—and prepare it for easy import and usage by the target system.

Is data migration easy?

The process of moving a whole data centre environment to the cloud or another place is extensive and involves many steps. Careful preparation and coordination are necessary to successfully complete such a relocation project with the least amount of downtime or disturbance to operations.

Is data migration safe?

Data migration is the process of moving data from one place to another, which may contain risks and vulnerabilities. Sensitive data can be compromised in the absence of adequate security measures, which might have disastrous repercussions including data breaches, a decline in customer confidence, and non-compliance with regulations. This is why it’s important to make sure you work with a reputable IT company with experience in data migration and data security.