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Cloud computing was once thought to be a novelty that would only interest big businesses and wasn’t likely to be widely embraced. It also had a lot of detractors, with those who doubted its viability focusing mostly on security issues and data loss.

But the sceptics have long since backtracked, as now as many as 89% of companies use multi-cloud computing services to store their data and communicate between colleagues. For this many companies to make use of cloud services, surely there must be an array of benefits?

Whether it’s because it offers top-notch cyber and cloud security or because it can give businesses a cost-effective way to increase and speed up their scalability, cloud computing is a highly adaptable technological solution that is currently assisting thousands of businesses in the UK with their IT issues.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of cloud computing for business operations!

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the supply of computer services via the Internet (the cloud), including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence. This allows for speedier innovation, adaptable resource allocation, and economical scale.

Almost any service that doesn’t require you to be physically close to the computer hardware that you are using can now be delivered via the cloud infrastructure, including the fundamentals of storage, networking, and processing power, through to advanced options like natural language processing and artificial intelligence, as well as common office programmes.

6 benefits of business cloud computing

Business owners and key decision-makers are eager to learn how cloud computing might assist their firm as it grows in popularity among SME businesses around the world. Here are the top benefits that cloud technology could have on your business.

Cost savings

Adopting cloud services can help you save money that you can use towards other aspects of the business if your present IT costs are too high to be sustainable. Since cloud computing often operates on a “pay-for-what-you-use” model, you only pay for the services you actually require.

The operational cost of administering and maintaining your IT systems might be greatly reduced because the cloud doesn’t store data on your premises. Your organisation can benefit from lower expenditures in a variety of ways, including wage reductions or the need for ongoing upgrades.

Data security

Since its inception in the 1990s, cloud computing has advanced significantly, and today it offers a higher level of IT security. 

However, you must keep in mind that many security features may not be enabled or configured straight away, so it is recommended you seek professional help to install upgrades and patches to stay on top of data security

48% of all businesses have chosen to use the cloud to store classified data both encrypted and unencrypted.

Cloud providers can give you peace of mind that your IT systems are extremely unlikely to encounter a data or security breach anytime soon.

Colleague collaboration

Cloud services make it simple for employees around the company to collaborate, regardless of where they are situated. The cloud environment eliminates traditional obstacles like the requirement that everyone collaborate in one central area by making every document, file, and programme available on-demand.

This can increase productivity and increase staff retention by allowing for flexible work schedules.


Every company has various IT requirements. A local start-up business won’t have the same IT needs as a major company with 500+ workers. Utilising the cloud effectively and fast allows organisations to scale their IT departments up or down in response to business demands, which is a terrific option.

Because cloud computing is a pay-as-you-go model, you can quickly increase your cloud storage capacity if your business demands grow without having to make investments in physical infrastructure. Businesses that use cloud computing may have a significant competitive advantage over other companies in their sector thanks to this level of agility.

Environmental impact

Energy-efficiency is a priority in the design of data centres. This not only helps to lower operational expenses, but it also means that companies employing cloud based services hosted in data centres can lower their carbon footprints, enabling them to run more sustainably and show their dedication to protecting the environment.

Disaster recovery

To avoid downtime and the loss of important data and applications, businesses turn to disaster recovery solutions, but setting up traditional disaster recovery programmes may be expensive and difficult. Because cloud computing effectively mirrors stored data across multiple servers, it enables organisations to access backup servers in the event that the primary server fails. This makes disaster recovery easier and more cost-effective.

However, it is important to note that disaster recovery can often require additional tools and software, which should be installed by a professional configurator. Unfortunately, a business cannot be protected from all disasters by default!

Software updates

It’s challenging enough to keep your business operations at the forefront of your industry; you don’t need to add your IT systems to the mix as well. Your IT systems must continue to innovate since businesses that don’t keep up with market and technical advancements quickly fall behind.

Your IT department’s budget would be largely consumed by updating your physical servers and other computer equipment. One major benefit of moving to the cloud is that your systems will constantly be running the most up-to-date software, which will ultimately save you time and money.

Looking for cloud services that are right for your business?

The importance of  cloud computing in business is rising, and many companies are trying to create their own private cloud infrastructure to reap the benefits. We can assist if your company is one of them or if you simply want to learn more about cloud computing. For companies just like yours, Binary Blue has years of experience creating and managing cloud infrastructures.

Contact us today to learn more about our cloud and small business IT support services and how we can help get your business on the path to cloud.

What are the benefits of cloud computing for business FAQs

How is cloud computing used in business?

Internet-based computer services are delivered using cloud computing. Access to web-based services including data processing, storage, and apps is available to small enterprises on demand. Platform as a service, software as a service, and infrastructure as a service are all examples of cloud computing services.

How will cloud computing change business?

As an additional layer of security, cloud computing offers customised security settings in their systems for every user. Instead of worrying about data security or other data storage solutions, organisations may now concentrate on other aspects of their business growth.

How does cloud computing solve business problems?

Businesses no longer need to invest in equipment purchases, data centre construction, and operation thanks to cloud computing. The hardware, facilities, utilities, and other costs associated with traditional computing can be significantly reduced as a result.