a semi open laptop

The roles of IT support and IT technicians are very important – but very different – in the world of information technology. 

Frequently, the term “help desk” is used to designate a variety of IT support services, including technical difficulties, but people often use the words “help desk” and “technical support” interchangeably in casual conversation. 

However in reality, these two branches aren’t interchangeable because they have significant differences. What’s worse, confusing them could even be costly to an organisation – depending on the problem they are trying to solve.

Below, we break down the differences when it comes to comparing IT support vs IT technicians.

IT Support vs IT Technician: What is IT Support?

IT support is responsible for the overall health and wellbeing of an organisation’s IT systems. They keep everything running smoothly, identify and fix any problems that may occur, and work with other teams within the organisation to ensure that everyone is using the IT systems in the most effective way possible.

This can include anything from providing desktop support to configuring phones and email accounts. Most IT support tasks are only done for internal employees and companies.

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IT Support Key Responsibilities

Some of the key responsibilities of IT Support include:

  • Resolving computer and technology issues for employees
  • Installing and configuring software and hardware
  • Training employees on how to use new technology
  • Troubleshooting problems with technology

IT Support Key Tools

Some of the key tools that IT support staff work with include:

  • Computer systems
  • Software applications
  • Phone and email systems
  • Network systems

Business Benefits of Employing IT Support

There are many benefits for businesses when it comes to hiring IT support. One key benefit includes the fact that support staff can act as a link between the IT department and other employees. This means that the two teams are not working in silos when it comes to resolving issues with technology.

The advancement of technology is sometimes too much for individual employees, which is why businesses opt to hire a great IT support team instead. Ensuring that all employees embrace and understand the latest technology is a big part of ensuring that your business is well-equipped to move forward.

Another benefit of employing IT support is that it can help to reduce the workload of other employees. This is because the support staff is able to resolve many computer and technology issues independently. When employees don’t have to worry about resolving simple technological problems, they are then able to focus on their core job responsibilities and productivity.

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IT Support vs IT Technician: What is an IT Technician?

An IT technician, on the other hand, is a specific type of IT support staff member responsible for the repair and maintenance of more complex systems and computer problems. They work to troubleshoot hardware and software issues that require specifically trained skills to identify and fix, and ensure that these issues are resolved efficiently and effectively.

IT Technician Key Responsibilities

Some of the key responsibilities of an IT technician include:

  • Troubleshooting complex problems with technology
  • Configuring and repairing complex hardware and software
  • Maintaining and upgrading computer systems
  • Training employees on how to use new, complex technology.

IT Technician Key Tools

Some key tools that IT technicians work with include:

  • Computer systems
  • Hardware components (e.g. printers, scanners, etc.)
  • Software applications (e.g. Adobe, Microsoft, etc.)
  • Network systems

Business Benefits of Employing an IT Technician

When you hire expert IT tech support, one key business benefit is that they ensure that all employees have access to the latest technology and necessary skills that are required to use this technology. The advancement of technology can sometimes be too much for individual employees, and even IT support teams, which is why businesses opt to hire IT tech support instead.

Another benefit of hiring IT technicians is that they are able to resolve more serious hardware and software issues. This means that employees don’t have to worry about dealing with these problems on their own, which can reduce the workload for other employees within your business. IT technicians are also fluent in IT tech support best practices, and will be able to implement these to achieve key technological objectives for your business.

How Do General IT Support and IT Technicians Work Together?

General IT support and IT technicians work together to ensure that all employees have access to the latest technology and necessary skills required to use the business technology and systems. The advancement of technology can sometimes be too much for individual employees, and even IT support teams, which is why businesses opt to hire an IT technician instead.

General IT support staff provides the basic level of support for employees, which includes resolving common technological problems and providing training on how to use new technology. If employees are experiencing more complex or serious problems with their technology, they will then escalate these issues to the IT technician. If an issue requires more advanced technical skills to repair, the IT technician will then work with support staff to resolve this problem.

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Drawbacks of Employing IT Support Without an IT Technician

One important drawback of not having an IT technician on your team is that there may be a delay in resolving serious computer and technology issues. Furthermore, employees may not have the necessary skill sets to use the latest technology effectively, which can lead to a decrease in productivity – or long periods of downtime – for your business.

Another drawback to not having an IT technician on your IT support team is that there is likely no one with the needed skills to install and configure business software applications. This can lead to your team wasting time when trying to resolve this type of issue which can reduce productivity and results for your company.

Further to this, not having an IT technician on your team could also lead to your business not being compliant with industry and regulatory standards. This can lead to fines, decreased customer trust, and even the closure of your business.

IT Support VS IT Technician: Which Do You Need?

In conclusion, general IT support is beneficial for businesses that do not have the budget to hire an IT technician. General IT support staff are able to provide assistance with resolving common computer and technology issues. However, if your business has more complex computer and technology needs, then it is beneficial to hire an IT technician.

If you are still unsure as to whether or not you need an IT technician on your team, reach out to us and we would be happy to help guide you in the right direction.

Find Expert IT Support & IT Technicians Today at Binary Blue

At Binary Blue, we offer a wide variety of IT support and IT tech services for small businesses. We have a team of highly skilled and certified IT technicians who are able to resolve the computer or technology problems your business may experience. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business grow.